
Below is a list of four mandatory requirements to become a Mayo Clinic Certified Tobacco Treatment Specialist:

  • Minimum academic requirement: Associate degree in any field.  
  • Completion of both the online and the live training
  • Pass the Mayo Clinic Certification Exam with a score of 80% or higher.
  • Submit 240 practice hours. These hours must be acquired within 2 years of completing the course. Practice hours consist of time focused on providing tobacco dependence treatment as part of direct patient care. Hours also include using the material learned in training and tobacco cessation program development. 

Certification renewal:
A TTS certificate will be valid for two years. After successful completion of the course and passing score of the exam (allow 2 weeks for grading) access to the certification database will be available:  https://certification.ndceducation.mayo.edu/

  • You must renew your certification every 2 years. This will require you to complete 18 Continuing Education Hours (CEH) or Continuing Medical Education (CME) credits. This must be granted by an accredited organization, and you must provide documentation of these hours. 
  • Documentation of continuing education hours must be a certificate of attendance that includes:
    • Participant name
    • Number of hours attended
    • Title of the presentation
    • Name of the speaker, date of the course, and signature of the course director. 
    • Hours claimed that are part of a longer course or a course unrelated to tobacco use and dependence, please include a copy of the program agenda indicating the presentations for which you are seeking credit hours.
  • Once you submit for recertification, please wait for an email confirming that your credits have been approved. You will then be prompted to pay the $35 (Nonrefundable) renewal fee.

Continuing education hours approved as follows:  

  • Tobacco-focused courses - 100%
  • Non-tobacco motivational interviewing - 50%
  • General addiction or addiction courses specific to an area other than tobacco - 50%
  • Attendance at Mayo Clinic Nicotine Dependence Center Annual Conference - 100%
  • Health Behavior/Wellness/Prevention and Public Health Courses - 50% (These would include control/prevention/public health workshops)
  • Courses that don't fall under these categories will not be approved for credit - 0 %
  • Tobacco-focused college courses
    • 1 credit = 12 CEH
    • 2 credit = 24 CEH
    • 3 credit = 36 CEH
    • 4 credit = 48 CEH 

National Certification:

Individuals who complete the Mayo Tobacco Treatment Specialist training can pursue national certification. For more information, please visit the websites below:

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